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Get details about pinned object

GET /ipfs/pin/list/:IPFS_path

Get information about locally pinned IPFS object

Hosted Endpoint only available for hosted variant.


Path Parameters

    IPFS_path string required

Returns the pins pinned

    time_created integer required

    Time of the creation of the IPFS object on our backends

    time_pinned integer required

    Time of the pin of the IPFS object on our backends

    ipfs_hash string required

    IPFS hash of the pinned object

    size string required

    Size of the object in Bytes

    state string required

    Possible values: [queued|pinned|unpinned|failed|gc]

    State of the pinned object. We define 5 states: queued, pinned, unpinned, failed, gc. When the object is pending retrieval (i.e. after /ipfs/pin/add/{IPFS_path}), the state is queued. If the object is already successfully retrieved, state is changed to pinned or failed otherwise. When object is unpinned (i.e. after /ipfs/pin/remove/{IPFS_path}) it is marked for garbage collection. State gc means that a previously unpinned item has been garbage collected due to account being over storage quota.
