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Latest epoch protocol parameters

GET /epochs/latest/parameters

Return the protocol parameters for the latest epoch.



Return the data about the epoch

    epoch integer required

    Epoch number

    min_fee_a integer required

    The linear factor for the minimum fee calculation for given epoch

    min_fee_b integer required

    The constant factor for the minimum fee calculation

    max_block_size integer required

    Maximum block body size in Bytes

    max_tx_size integer required

    Maximum transaction size

    max_block_header_size integer required

    Maximum block header size

    key_deposit string required

    The amount of a key registration deposit in Lovelaces

    pool_deposit string required

    The amount of a pool registration deposit in Lovelaces

    e_max integer required

    Epoch bound on pool retirement

    n_opt integer required

    Desired number of pools

    a0 number required

    Pool pledge influence

    rho number required

    Monetary expansion

    tau number required

    Treasury expansion

    decentralisation_param number required

    Percentage of blocks produced by federated nodes

    extra_entropy string nullable required

    Seed for extra entropy

    protocol_major_ver integer required

    Accepted protocol major version

    protocol_minor_ver integer required

    Accepted protocol minor version

    min_utxo string required

    Minimum UTXO value

    min_pool_cost string required

    Minimum stake cost forced on the pool

    nonce string required

    Epoch number only used once

    cost_models objectnullablerequired

    Cost models parameters for Plutus Core scripts

    property name* any nullable

    Cost models parameters for Plutus Core scripts

    price_mem number nullable required

    The per word cost of script memory usage

    price_step number nullable required

    The cost of script execution step usage

    max_tx_ex_mem string nullable required

    The maximum number of execution memory allowed to be used in a single transaction

    max_tx_ex_steps string nullable required

    The maximum number of execution steps allowed to be used in a single transaction

    max_block_ex_mem string nullable required

    The maximum number of execution memory allowed to be used in a single block

    max_block_ex_steps string nullable required

    The maximum number of execution steps allowed to be used in a single block

    max_val_size string nullable required

    The maximum Val size

    collateral_percent integer nullable required

    The percentage of the transactions fee which must be provided as collateral when including non-native scripts

    max_collateral_inputs integer nullable required

    The maximum number of collateral inputs allowed in a transaction

    coins_per_utxo_size string nullable required

    Cost per UTxO word for Alonzo. Cost per UTxO byte for Babbage and later.

    coins_per_utxo_word string nullable deprecated

    Cost per UTxO word for Alonzo. Cost per UTxO byte for Babbage and later.
